Driver Bio: TT Member Information - o Tier D Driver Driver Information - o PSN-ID: TT_Bandit-JM o Age: Old o Location: Saskatchewan, Canada o Car Numbers: 3, 33 Hardware - o Playstation 5 o Sim Rig: A State of the Art P.O.S. o Logictech: G29 Sim Racing Experience - o Sim Racing Since: 3 years o First Sim Racing Title: Gran Turismo Sport o Sim Racing Title Taken Seriously: Gran Turismo Sport Gran Turismo 7 o Current Sim Racing Title(s): Gran Turismo 7 Leagues or Series - 1st Place overall o DMJ Vroom-room Choose Your Weapon (2) Choose Your Weapon (3) o GTRC Gr.4 Series Real Racing - o Crew Chief for Jeff Reimer - “The Wild Thing” (Super Late Model) o Spotting for CASCAR A Quote - o “Eh Uh”
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Created by: Finish Line Designz (TT_M1SS-D3V10US) Last Update: 2024.09.19