© Copyright 2024. TT Sim-Racing. All Rights Reserved. Last Update to the OLR: 2024.08.22
Created by: Finish Line Designz (TT_M1SS-D3V10US) Last Update: 2024.09.19
23. OLR - Stuck Car On The Starting Grid: A: In the event that a driver gets "stuck" on the starting grid; The Host and/or Race Control will call a Red Flag. All drivers will quit the race. The affected driver will leave the lobby, clear the in-game cache & re-enter. The Host will manually set the grid, if needed. All drivers will notify they’re ready via in-game chat by typing an “R”. Host may reply with “Good Luck” & restart the race. B: If the same driver continues to be "stuck" on the starting grid, the race will continue and the affected driver will retire from the race. C: In the event that multiple drivers get “stuck” on the starting grid, the Host will close and remake the lobby.