© Copyright 2022. TT Sim-Racing. All Rights Reserved. Last Update to the OLR: 2024.08.22
Created by: Finish Line Designz (TT_M1SS-D3V10US) Last Update: 2025.01.03
1. OLR - General Rules: A: These rules and regulations are subject to change as there are constant updates/changes coming out for Gran Turismo 7. A member of the GT45 Gaming Administration Staff will post in the ‘OLR Guidelines’ channel on the GT45 Gaming Discord server when a change has been made along with a summary of the change. It is your responsibility to update yourself on the changes. B: All drivers are expected to make themselves familiar with the racing rules before entering any race or competition. If you stumble across a rule that is unclear to you, make sure you fully understand that rule before you enter the race or competition. You can send a DM to any GT45 Gaming Admin Staff (G.A.S.) with your questions. C: You are expected to compete in a fair and honest manner and in accordance with the GT45 Gaming OLR as well as GT45 Gaming Policies and Guidelines. D: You are expected to drive responsibly, in a way that’s not likely to ruin the racing enjoyment of your fellow drivers. E: You are expected not to submit to bad general behavior, under all circumstances. If a member of the Admin Staff (G.A.S.) warns you to stop commenting, simply stop commenting. Failure to comply will result in: 1st offense = 24 hour mute in Server (Discord) 2nd offense = 7 day mute on Discord served & 7 day removal from all PSN chats. 3rd offense = Full Permanent Removal from Discord servers & PSN chats. F: Try to maintain a generally friendly nature with the rest of the group, including but not limited to; In the Discord server(s). In-Game-Lobby text communications. In console (PS4 or PS5) text message. In console (PS4 or PS5) party chat. In console (PS4 & PS5) voice chat. In the YouTube comment section. In the Facebook comment section. Some friendly rib-jabbing is expected. This isn't church. G: You are expected to behave like sporting gentlemen and women at all times. H: The position of other drivers must always be respected. I: Overly-Aggressive driving is strictly prohibited. Some examples include, but are not limited to; Cutting the chicane. Careless Driving (Drifting, Horse-Play, Ghosting, Purposefully Slow Driving). Failure to show respect for your fellow racers. J: "Shorting" the track at any point is strictly prohibited. See “Track Boundaries” for more information. K: If a driver wants to retire from a race, the driver concerned must NOT exit the race. The driver must park their car in Pit Lane and wait for the race to end. Drivers are NOT allowed to park their car on track or out of the way in a ‘safe area', for any reason. L: Driving online in a racing sim is NOT exactly the same as real life racing in every respect. Familiarity with the car and track is expected. Do not go into a race or event without having practiced and expect to be able to late brake or make other aggressive maneuvers without incident. M: If you are found guilty of any of these rules, the behavior & your telemetry will be evaluated, and penalty assessed by our Race Stewards as per the Penalty Guidelines. See “Penalty Guidelines” for more information. N: You must NOT use any cheats, glitches or bugs in the game. The use of cheats or bugs affecting the game function and/or performance is forbidden. O: The use of external cheats is forbidden. P: The "ghosting feature" may not be used by any driver. See “Ghost Cars” for more information. Q: GT45 Gaming reserves the right to; Rescind the invitation of any driver. Remove any member from the GT45 Gaming Discord Server. Remove any driver from a race lobby. Remove any driver from a race series.