© Copyright 2022. TT Sim-Racing. All Rights Reserved. Last Update to the OLR: 2024.08.22
Created by: Finish Line Designz (TT_M1SS-D3V10US) Last Update: 2025.01.03
18. OLR - Red Flag Procedure: A: When a ‘Red Flag’ gets called: ‘Race Control’ will make an announcement ‘Red Flag’. ‘Race Control’ may document the ‘Red Flag’ for review. o Track Layout. o Driver’s Involved in the Incident. o Incident itself. All drivers are required to promptly exit the race. ‘Race Control’ will call for all drivers to report to the grid (get your car on track). Drivers will bring their car back to Pit Lane, but not go ‘On-Track’. o ‘Host’ will manually reset the grid, if needed, as per Qualifying Results. ‘Race Control’ will head a short Driver’s Meeting explaining what happened & how to avoid it from happening again. o This ‘Driver’s Meeting’ is not an open discussion. o Drivers will answer questions ‘Race Control’ may have. o Drivers are not to argue with ‘Race Control’ or each other. ‘Race Control’ has full discretion to dismiss or kick an argumentative driver from the race lobby. After the Driver’s Meeting, all drivers should reply in the lobby chat with “R” to show they are Ready-To-Race. ‘Host’ will allow up to 2 minutes before restarting the race.