© Copyright 2024. TT Sim-Racing. All Rights Reserved. Last Update to the OLR: 2024.08.22
Created by: Finish Line Designz (TT_M1SS-D3V10US) Last Update: 2024.09.19
37. OLR - Resignation From The Race Series: A: Drivers who need (or desire) to resign from a race series, regardless of reasons, are required to use the Ticket Bot. Rather than reporting an Incident, you will: o State your intention to resign from the Race Series. o State your reason(s) for your resignation. A GT45 Gaming Staff member will reply with acknowledgment of your resignation. B: After acknowledgement of a driver’s resignation; GT45 Gaming Staff & Race Stewards will review the Race Series Season of the driver. C: Any driver failing to use the Ticket Bot to make their resignation known, may result in GT45 Gaming denying said driver to return to any future series.